
Give MailChimp Addon Version 2.0.2

Original price was: $15.00.Current price is: $10.00.

Updates Available for 365 Days
No Subscription, No Auto Renewal
Available For Free with Active Membership

Product Description

The Give MailChimp Add-on provides flexible functionality that allows you to set global and per-form settings for various subscription options. The plugin allows you to select one or more lists that donors will be automatically subscribed to when donating to specific causes if they opt-in.  For instance, if you want only donors who give using your “Thanksgiving Food Drive” donation form added to the “Food Drive” mailing list this plugin allows for that granular control. You also have the ability to enable a “global” newsletter list, which all donors can have the option of opting into on all donation forms.

Additional Information

Product Version

Give MailChimp Addon Version 2.0.2

Product Support