
WooCommerce Catalog Visibility Options Version 3.3.5

Original price was: $15.00.Current price is: $8.00.

Transform WooCommerce into an online catalog by removing eCommerce functionality
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Product Description

Transform WooCommerce into an online catalog by removing eCommerce functionality WooCommerce Catalog Visibility Options

Remove eCommerce functionality? Wait, what? It may sound strange but when you think about it, if you take out the cart, checkout process and buy now buttons, WooCommerce is actually the perfect platform upon which to showcase a catalog of products which arent currently for sale online. The added beauty of this solution is that when you do want to start selling, you can do so with the flick of a switch.

But this extension does much more than that. Rather than just taking the entire store offline, you also have the option restrict it to users who are logged in.

You can also configure messages to replace the price / add to cart button components or just remove them completely.

In a nutshell:

  • Provides the ability to hide prices, or show prices only to authenticated users.
  • Provides the ability to disable e-commerce functionality by disabling the cart.
  • Allows configuration of alternate price content, when prices are disabled or shown only to logged in users.
  • Allows configuration of alternate add-to-cart content, when e-commerce functionality is disabled or only available to authenticated users.

Additional Information

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Product Version

WooCommerce Catalog Visibility Options Version 3.3.5

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