
WooCommerce Gateways Country Limiter 1.4

Original price was: $15.00.Current price is: $8.00.

This extension lets you choose which payment gateways to display for different countries, as determined by the customers address.
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Product Description

Download WooCommerce Country Limiter Gateways

WooCommerce Payment Gateway Limiter lets you choose which payment gateways will be available to different clients, depending on their billing address. It allows you to use country-specific payment options and offer them only when relevant.

It works on single-language, as well as multilingual WooCommerce sites.

Setup and usage are a breeze. Just activate the extension and edit the different payment gateways in your site.

For each payment gateway, you will be able to choose specific countries to enable, or specific countries to exclude.

This extension works great with other WooCommerce extensions, as well as built-in and custom payment gateways.

Get WooCommerce Payment Gateways Country Limiter

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Product Version

WooCommerce Gateways Country Limiter – Version 1.4