
WP All Export Pro Version 1.8.9-beta-2.5

Original price was: $15.00.Current price is: $8.00.

Export anything in WordPress to CSV, XML, or Excel.
Customize the layout of the export file. Edit your data and re-import it later with WP All Import.
Send your exported data to Dropbox, Google Drive, and 500+ other apps with Zapier.
Updates Available for 365 Days
No Subscription, No Auto Renewal
Available For Free with Active Membership

Product Description

WP All Export Pro ’s simple drag & drop interface makes it easy to export data from Posts, Pages, Users, or any Custom Post Type (like WooCommerce Products, Orders, etc.) to an XML, CSV, or Excel file. Your export file can be organized exactly how you need it to be with just the data you need and nothing else.

WordPress XML exports and WordPress CSV exports are easy with WP All Export. Designed to be efficient with large databases, it will work no matter how much data you have in WordPress. WP All Export makes it possible to export hundreds of thousands of records, even on shared hosting.

Need to edit your posts or products in Excel? Export your data with WP All Export, edit your data however you like, and then re-import it using WP All Import.

Additional Information

Product Version

WP All Export Pro Version 1.8.9-beta-2.5

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