
WP All Import Pro Plugin Version 4.8.8-beta-2.3

Original price was: $15.00.Current price is: $8.00.

People call WP All Import magical for a reason – it works with any XML or CSV file, imports images, and can easily import data to plugin and theme fields or anywhere else you need it.
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Product Description

Download Images To The Media Gallery

No matter how your image URLs are stored in your XML or CSV file WP All Import can import them. The first image URL will be used as the Featured Image. The rest will be imported to the Media Gallery.

Custom Post Types

Easily import data to custom themes and plugins.

All Custom Post Types active in your WordPress installation will show up as tabs inside of WP All Import. Choose which Custom Post Type to import data to by selecting its tab.

Custom Fields

WP All Import automatically detects the field names your themes and plugins use.

If you’re using a theme or plugin that has lots of custom locations for data – not just the post content box, WP All Import can import your data to it.

Scheduled Recurring Imports

Use cron jobs to automatically update an import periodically with new data.

WP All Import can periodically check a URL for a new XML or CSV file.

Additional Information

Product Support

Product Version

WP All Import Pro Plugin Version 4.8.8-beta-2.3