
YITH WordPress Test Environment Version 1.2.2

Original price was: $15.00.Current price is: $10.00.

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Product Description

We developed the best WordPress plugin to create sandbox environments and online test environments for WordPress themes and plugins, so that you can offer your customers the chance to try out a live demo with exclusive access. Your customers will be able to test all of the functions offered by your product in a simple and quick way, and they will do so using a dedicated access that will grant them exclusive admin rights. This will allow you to get rid of those annoying refund requests due to initial misunderstandings about how your product works. Our YITH WordPress Test Environment automatically generates a cloned instance of your live demo, to do so it uses your customer’s IP to instantly request for it and grant them access. This clone, after a given amount of time, which you will be able to decide yourself, will be automatically deleted leaving behind no trace whatsoever, not even from the files uploaded on your server by customers.

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Product Version

YITH WordPress Test Environment Version 1.2.2

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