We have updated the following Products
Premium WordPress Themes
Themify Corporate WordPress Theme 1.4.5
Themify Elegant WordPress Theme 1.3.2
Themify Fullpane WordPress Theme 1.7.8
Themify Landing WordPress Theme 1.3.0
Themify Peak WordPress Theme 1.0.5
Themify Postline WordPress Theme 1.8.2
Themify Split WordPress Theme 1.3.6
Themify Stack WordPress Theme 1.3.6
Themify Ultra WordPress Theme 1.5.0
Elegant Themes Divi WordPress Theme 3.0.1
Elegant Themes Extra WordPress Theme 2.0.1
Elmastudio Uku WordPress Theme 1.1
Premium WordPress Plugins
Themify Builder Counter Addon 1.1.1
Themify Builder Image Pro Addon 1.1.0
WooCommerce Smart Coupons 3.1.5
Gravity Forms Capsule CRM 1.1.1
Gravity Forms User Registration Add-On 3.4.2